According to the CDC, in the United states an older adult dies Every 20 minutes from injuries sustained in a fall, and many more people are injured (www.CDC.gov/steadi)
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to decrease your risk for falls and continue living safely in your home.
1. Make your home safer.

Most falls occur at home, so by modifying your environment to make it safer, you can reduce your fall risk. Some basic ideas include:
Keeping floors free of clutter
Removing small throw rugs or secure them to the floor
Adding grab bars in the bathroom and rails on stairs
Adding lighting throughout the home
Wear well-fitting shoes inside and outside
2. Have your eyes and feet checked

Seeing an eye doctor annually and getting appropriate glasses/lenses as needed
Have your physician check your feet
3. Talk with your physician or your pharmacist about a medication review

Taking 4 or more prescription medications is associated with increased fall risk, and your physician or pharmacist can better explain the risks of your specific medications.
4. Exercise to improve your strength and balance

Many types of exercise can improve your overall health and wellbeing, but focusing on your strength and balance lowers your chance of falling and can make you more confident.
Physical Therapy: For those of you who are new to exercise, have pain with exercise, or have balance or mobility concerns, skilled physical therapy services can help you improve your strength and balance.
Wellness Services: For those of you who are looking for a longer-term solution, we provide wellness services including online fitness classes, exercise prescription, and more.